Do you want to know how to hear God’s voice? It may be difficult at times to discern God’s voice. You may be asking the question: “is it me or God talking?”

God speaks in several ways to grab your attention and many of the ways that He speaks are beyond what we could ever dream or imagine. 

He is the Good Shepherd-God’s Voice Scripture

John 10:3-5

The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

Meaning of hearing God’s Voice

God is the Good Shepherd that tends to his sheep by spending time calling them by their names. In order for you to know God’s voice, you will need to spend intimate time listening to his voice and learn how He calls you by your name to lead you out into the pasture for rest.

Listening to God’s voice means that you will you need to follow him without doubts or reservations.

Listening to God’s voice also means that you will not follow a stranger’s voice ( e.g., people with bad advice to lead you astray).

God's voice

Related article: Characteristics of a Godly Mother- 7 Signs

God’s voice speaks in mysteries and secrets. 

In my experience, I have been known as a prophetic dreamer by many people in my church family. I had dreams of things that would happen the next day and the people that I would eventually meet face to face.  These events were not  accidental. Far from it. 

It was meant for me to have these God encounters as a way to shape my life and the people around me.

God would often veil messages in dreams so that I could meet with Him in prayer. He wanted me to ask Him questions about a particular symbol or to meditate on a scripture verse. He wanted to have a deep, passionate and love-filled relationship with me. 

He wants you to know Him intimately. As a parent, God wants for you to know who He is and the condition of His heart towards you and your children. He is the hands and feet that will help you parent your child.

God’s voice gives revelation

The dreams were also an invitation to come into agreement with Heaven’s assignments on the earth. God wants you to partner with Him. He will even call you when you are sleeping. He does this because usually people are more open to receive messages from God without the “flesh” or the reasoning part of our brain getting in the way.  

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.- Prov. 14:12.  Many people feel that they know more than God or they think they are able to judge a situation without God’s input.  

I am here to tell you that parents need to be able to discern God’s voice because of blind spots. Blind spots are things that are missed due to not paying attention or lacking godly knowledge and understanding.

When you seek God for revelation-knowledge and wisdom, you will be able to understand what is hidden from plain sight. God will help you to speak your child’s love language and will open your eyes to see your child’s heart.

God’s Voice When making a Decision

We need to be able to understand the hidden messages of God that lead to solutions to our parenting problems. 

When making a decision about a problem that your child might be facing, it is important to look for the fruit of the Holy Spirit:

  • Peace- Strong sense of peace when things look really bad
  • Joy – the joy of the Lord is your strength and laughing during difficult times is a great stress reliever
  • Love- you feel love radiating inside of you as you decide which words to use when speaking to your child.
  • Kindness- speaking politely to your children. “Please and thank you’s”
  • Hope- You model hope to your child when it comes to making hard decisions

Check out this FREE PRINTABLE on parenting with the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Related article: 4 Reasons to Pray Scripture Verses over your Children Learn how to read scripture over your child so that they will be armored against the evils in the world and to know more about God.

He speaks your language

God will speak to you in the way that you understand. If you dream of God, you might dream that your biological father approaches you with a hug and a smile ( if you had a healthy relationship). He may even present himself as pastor or a brother.  He will reveal Himself in relatable ways that are easy for you to understand. He will also use words, songs, or symbols that you have heard or spoken before in the natural world. 

When it comes to your children, he will speak through them. Reminding you to be more patient and loving in instances that require more grace.

I believe that we can see Jesus in the eyes of our children, if we can just slow down…. And look at how our children interact with others— living life simply without a care in the world.

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