The Fear of The Lord is the beginning of Wisdom

Motherhood after trauma can feel like a struggle sometimes because you may not understand the meaning of your life. I encourage you to press into God’s presence. Consume Him and adore Him. Worship him with your entire being and that is when you will truly learn why you were created.

Your Next Steps:

Read the Simple living- Devotional Series on Mothering with God’s Living Understanding. Inside you will learn:

Living righteously

Living Wisely

The Ascended Life

Kingship Life

Simple living is learning to live from God’s perspective

If you are mothering from a place of pain, then it is time to live according to God’s holy perspective. The job of Wisdom ( the Lord) is to equip you with the necessary spiritual tools to be successful in life.

Mothers who love God must meet the one who has living-understanding

Proverbs 9:10

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