The MCD Learning Academy (Mothers Crowning Daughters Learning Academy) is an online learning platform for all women- moms, daughters, single or married that have experienced childhood trauma and mother wounds. The courses in MCD Learning Academy are designed to influence women to practice self- mothering (self-nurture) and with the power of the Holy Spirit so that they can heal and be truly whole in the relationships that they engage with on a daily basis.


It all started with God planting the idea of setting women free from the bondage of victim-hood and enslavement due to the effects of trauma. God planted this idea inside of my heart for a few years now. It has now fully bloomed and I am excited to see the beauty of God shine inside of the hearts of His Eves ( His brides) in the garden of His heart through each course that is birthed to the world.

It is Time to Break the Toxic Cycle of Mother Wounds

I remember years ago, feeling trapped and not knowing how to be who God created me to be— to know that I was fully loved by Him as His child. Although, I did not experience the unconditional love of a mother, God’s love mothered me. I am honored to share with you how mother wounds did not define me and the steps that I used to finally break free from my mother’s wounds. So take the plunge, and take this course if you want to go on a journey of healing the inner wound.

Healing the Mother Wound Course

Healing the Mother Wound course is designed with built- in strategies for the How-To’s on helping you to work through identifying mother wounds, breaking toxic generational patterns, and taking steps towards walking in your true authentic self and purpose.

Healing the Mother Wound Course

Are you ready to be free from mother wounds?

Healing the mother wounds mini-course is designed for women that no longer want to walk in the shadows of their mother’s trauma. They are ready to be who God always wanted them be- uniquely beautiful, whole, and restored.

What’s inside the Healing the Mother Wound Course?

The Course

6 modules of in-depth teaching on mother wounds. Self-paced course with unlimited and lifetime access. You can come back and take the course as much as you want.


When you enroll, you will get Healing the Mother wound work book bundle + prayer journal prompts to work through negative root systems


Step by step coaching on identifying the mother wound, breaking generational curses, restoring your identity, and living in your purpose. You will also get 30 Minutes of 1 FREE one-on-one coaching  for strategy and insight for your individual situation.

My Dream

I had a dream one night of the women in my bloodline. In the dream, my aunt showed me her wound and said she was in pain.

I told her to prayer journal. She replied, “that’s it?!” I said, “yup that is all you need to do.” She replied, ” Okay, I will do that!”

My mother on the other hand, had a wound that she was not willing to treat with prayer journaling. She said to me in a choked up voice, I am AFRAID.

Daughter, writing our thoughts and emotions down on paper can be scary. But, I encourage you to not let fear or any other negative emotions stop you from investing in yourself. Healing and deliverance is your right and inheritance in the Kingdom of God.

I will walk with you on how to effectively prayer journal so that you can truly be restored and your wound can be whole.


The course will help you to identify the mother wound that is active in your life. Woo-hoo to freedom!

You will also identify root systems or beliefs that need to be dismantled in prayer. You will work through them with the Healing the Mother Wound Workbook. Inside the workbook are prayer journal prompts for you to journal your emotions, boundaries, and identity.

The final step is owning your authentic self and walking in your purpose through your story (testimony).

My Story

Dear Daughter of God,

I experienced mother wounds in childhood but it wasn’t until adulthood that I was finally able to break free from the effects of my mother’s wounds. I believe it was because I was diligent and consistent about my healing.

Before my miracle came…

I experienced major demonic oppression, fear, torment, and the inability to sleep at night or rest while awake. I cried and begged God to deliver me from the torment that I experienced from the projection of my mother’s wounds.

My miracle finally came…

I was delivered from demonic oppression through prayer and intercession. But my healing finally came once I rested in God’s presence and learned about the Father’s love for me. The rest was history and became my story that I poured out into this course.

If your story sounds like mine, then this is the deliverance and healing that I believe God is extending to you. I will walk with you on this journey. You do not have to go through this alone.

Reserve your seat so you don’t miss the opportunity of a life time:0)

With love,


Meet Your Instructor Jen

I am the founder of Simple Steps By Jen and a mother to a generation of victorious women. I love helping women overcome trauma and mother wounds. I want all women with mothering hearts to walk in their true identity and purpose.

I had mother wounds…

I had a traumatic past and mother wounds almost limited my potential to truly thrive in my God-given calling until God healed and restored me. Now, He has given me the grace to nurture and awaken women to live out the dream of being fully whole, healed, and nurtured with the power of the Holy Spirit.

So glad that I can partner with you on learning to self- mother with Holy the Spirit by your side so that you can embrace the restored version of You.