As a mother, no matter how busy you are, you can begin to encounter God’s presence right now! This devotional will walk you through some of the most intimate moments that I have experienced with God.

There are several phases to encountering God’s presence. This part of the devotional series will focus on intimacy with God.

Phases-Encounter God’s presence:

  • Oneness/intimacy- Knowing Him intimately
  • True Worship- Awareness
  •  The 3 essentials: God’s Truth, Identity, Abide in Him
  • Purity and rest 
  • Die already! ( Dying to self). The great transition 
  • Authority
  • Enter the promise land  ( you are the promise land)
  • Encounter – hunger for God and being thirsty to be filled with His spirit
  • Do you trust me? A whole new world
  • Flower garden
  • Feet of Jesus
  • Narrow gate
  • Ever green mountains and flying in the sky

Encounter God’s Presence: Knowing Him intimately

The encounter experience is a place of sweet intimacy with the Lord. It is where you meet God face to face without restraints.  You begin to hunger for God and thirst to be filled with His spirit. 

True intimacy is knowing God. It’s becoming one with the Father, one with the Holy Spirit, and one with Jesus Christ.

I first realized that I was encountering God when He took me to an exclusive place. Hidden from the outside world. It twas just me and Him and all of His glory. I longed for God so much that my heart cried out “ come away with me Lord.” 

Just like Jesus said to His disciples “Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while- Mark 6:31

In each passage, Jesus understood the meaning of going to a quiet place of solitude to  be with the Father.  In that place of solitude without any distractions, you are able to  fill yourself up to your desired content. 

Encounter God's presence

Activation exercise 1:

Close your eyes and breathe in God’s presence. Take 3 deep breaths and reflect on the goodness of God’s love for you. Focus on His love filling you up and watering your thirsty soul with His word.

Listen to His voice and wait in silence for Him to speak His words over you. You might get a thought, impression, or warm feeling in your chest. Just embrace His presence.

Worship invites God’s presence: Awareness

I remember one night, I awoke at 3:30 in the morning. I couldn’t sleep. I was so at peace, listening to soaking worship music. I thought about the love that Jesus has for me. It was as if I was a school girl who stayed up all night thinking of her beloved crush.  I thought to myself in that quiet place and could not help but say, I choose you Jesus.

He responded with, I choose you too. I thought to myself of course you choose me. You chose me before I was even born. Jesus then reminded me of a prayer of asking him to place His fire inside of me. To burn for Him. What I ended up feeling was a burning jealousy for only Him. I didn’t want anyone but Him in my soul.

I knew that I wanted Him to be faithful to me as my husband. To have eyes for me. I realized as I  laid on my bed, he burned for me because He recognized His bride. A bride groom king, recognizes His bride in the spirit first and He knows that there can be no other lover.

He is faithful to His bride.

Encounter God's presence

Activation Exercise 2:

Thank God for something that He has done in your life. As you worship Him, listen for revelation about anything new that He wants to deposit into your spirit.

Sample Prayer:

Thank you God, for being my Jehovah Jireh! I have gone through so much fear about not being able to pay for expenses and my monthly bills. But I can remember how faithful you have been in providing for all of my needs through friends and family. I thank you for always being provider. You take all of my worries and you tell me to just rest daughter. I can trust that you are always with me. Thank you Papa.

Make space to Encounter God

Encounter God's presence

I remember hearing a story about a woman that had a neat idea on how to make space with her children. She would sit in the middle of a kitchen while her kids talked loudly and called her name after every 5 0r 10 seconds- ” mommy!” She would then put a dish towel over her eyes and tell her children, “mommy is to not be disturbed when she has this over her eyes.” In that moment, her children would not bother her in her quiet time.

Your space may not look like the woman in this story, but it is a depiction of hope that you can make time with God where ever you are. If you are washing dishes, you can invite the Holy Spirit to wash dishes with you. If you are driving your kids to school, you can worship with your kids to your favorite christian song. It doesn’t have to be a formal thing. The fruit of your intentional seeking of God will show up in your kids seeing you make space for God’s presence.

Related article posts:

How To Parent With the Fruit of the Holy Spirit 

 How to Hear God’s Voice in Today’s World

Encounter God’s presence: Prayer

Heavenly Papa,

I come to you with my arms stretched wide. I want to experience a deeper awareness of who you are to me. I hear your call in the morning and in the evening times to run away with you. Here I am Lord, your bride. I wait patiently in your presence to hear your voice speaking to me so tenderly. You have so many things to say to me. I am listening Lord. I want to get to know your character. I want to get to know how you see me, so that I can see myself in your eyes. Thank you for loving me so.

In Jesus name, Amen

Continue the Encounter series:

How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 2)

How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 3)

How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 4)

Isaiah 22:22- Authority of God Rests on Your Shoulder Now

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