The Simple Steps Approach: for Women who want to Mother with God

The Simple Steps Approach is for the woman that wants to learn how to “self-mother” and approach motherhood with simplicity and God’s grace. If you have experienced mother wounds and trauma, your identity can be restored with the power of the Holy Spirit. You do not have to carry generational curses into your motherhood journey. When you are healed, you can be truly present and whole with the relationships that you mother in your life.

Start with the FREE GUIDE below!

My Story

I am the founder of Simple Steps By Jen and a mother to a generation of victorious women. I love helping women overcome trauma and mother wounds. I want all women with mothering hearts to walk in their true identity and purpose. I had a traumatic past and mother wounds almost limited my potential to truly thrive in my God-given calling until God healed and restored me. Now, He has given me the grace to nurture and awaken women to live out the dream of being fully whole, healed, and nurtured with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Simple Motherhood After Trauma...

Are you looking to emotionally connect with your children, other women in your life, yourself, and God but find yourself constantly stuck in cycles of reliving trauma from childhood? Do you also have difficulty with mothering from a place of hurt and pain? You can find joy in being a mother that is whole, healed, and nurtured by God. I can help you to be present so that what really matters is not wasted away.

Let Me Help You!


Do you have mother wounds and need a step by step guide? Take the next step with Healing the Mother Wound Workbook and mini-course!

This workbook is part of our first mini-course on healing the mother wound. If you are interested in signing up for the mother wound course, then take the course!

New Mini-Course on Healing the Mother Wound

Inside the course you will:

  • Ignite your faith and understanding of who you are
  • Create healthy boundaries
  • Follow journal prompts to guide you in discovering root issues
  • Discover your power in being your authentic self
  • Access Mini-course + Workbook Bundle for only $25

Check out the blog!

Mother wound and root issues to overcome

If you have ever lived through a toxic mother-daughter relationship, you may have questions on if you have a mother wound and how does the mother wound show up in your life.

There are two phases of healing from mother wounds. First is the detachment phase which is the letting go of expectations. This is divorcing and cutting the cord of unhealthy trauma that was connected to your experiences with your mother.  

One of the great things about parenting with the Holy Spirit is that you are able to plant good seeds into your child’s heart. Your child reaps from what you sow into them, whether it’s through prayer or being generous with your love and attention. Harvesting season is sure to come soon! 

Now when it comes to experiencing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your daily life… 

Motherhood in the Garden

It all began in the garden when the Lord noticed that Adam had a purpose which was to name all of the living things on the earth but did not have a “helper” to support him in that purpose. God chose to put Adam to sleep while He formed this woman-helper from Adam’s rib.

Coming Soon! Devotional series on Simple Motherhood after Trauma

After experiencing trauma, you might be lost on how to mother from a place of wholeness. The first step is gaining wisdom by fearing the Lord! As a mother is able to gain knowledge from the revelation of God’s nature she will be able to live life in complete adoration and worship to Him.

Motherhood becomes simple!

Join our Newsletter so you won’t miss updates on this devotional series. You will receive the first chapter of Motherhood Simplified by God e-book.

Resources curated for you!

Are you in need of learning more about how to self-mother with ease and strength after childhood trauma? I have free resources that can help you experience motherhood with simplicity and grace.

Resources for your self mothering needs

If you are still wondering where to start on this website, then check out the resources library. You will find devotionals, freebies, and so much MORE !!!

Peek inside!

I want you to have all of the tools, journal prompts, guides, and biblical strategies that you can use in your faith and healing journey! Now, the opportunity awaits you to get FREE goodies with just one click. Check out the resources page.

Mothers crowning daughters is for all women who are in the business of nurturing other women or their children as their daughters. Develop healthy boundaries with your daughters and redefine the mother daughter relationship with God!

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.

Titus 2:3-5

Mothers Crowning Daughters Collective

A safe community group for women from all walks of life (regardless of marital status or if you have children or not) to experience Motherhood from a Kingdom-redemptive perspective. If you have experienced any trauma or mother wounds, you have a story to share and God wants you to take your place to be a mother to yourself and to those He assigns to nurture and accelerate into their destinies.


Do you have Mother Wounds?

Get Your Free Prayer Journal Prompts to help you on your journey of healing. The time is now to recover and live a whole life as a mother.

Hey, I’m Jen!

Welcome to the little corner of my website! I am a mom/trauma recovery coach that is passionate about helping women to mother themselves with simplicity and grace. This is the place to find resources, community, and coaching so that you can live in the beauty of who you truly are as a “mother” in God’s garden. One step at a time…

Let’s stay connected!