Mothers crowning daughters is for women who are in the business of nurturing other women or their children as their daughters.
Proverbs 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Spiritual mothering is a reflection of God’s character. He wants women to be equipped and clothed with spiritual tools in raising up daughters to be kingdom dwellers, prayer warriors, pioneers in the faith, and daughters of God. Mothers who are clothed with strength and dignity will not fear their daughters future. They will rejoice for what is to come.
Crown of grace and beauty
She will place on your head a garland of grace; She will present you with a crown of beauty and glory.”
Proverbs 4:9
Mothers who crown their daughters are crowning their daughters with the grace of
God and His beauty . “It will be like wearing a glorious crown of beautiful flowers.” The flowers are representative of God’s beauty. In essence, daughters who wear their crowns by their mothers are beautifying themselves with God’s very presence and the testimony of victorious living. But it all starts with a mother that is whole, healed, and nurtured for God’s glory.

Heal Mother Wounds To Nurture Your Daughter
Mother Wounds is not your story when you decide to break the cycle of generational trauma and wounding of yourself and your daughters. Start rewriting your story of ashes turning into beauty with the help of the Holy Spirit working through your life.
Heal Soul Wounds
1 Peter 2:4
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious
Soul wounds are injuries to the soul. If you are like me, you probably faced painful experiences that left you feeling trapped, unloved, and most of all unsafe. These experiences leave a lasting impression on your thoughts, will, and EMOTIONS.

Break Generational Curses
Learn to identify the word curses that were spoken over you in your childhood and dismantle them by walking in the fullness of who you are called to be in Jesus Christ. Be whole, be nurtured, and receive the Father’s love today.
Nurture Faith
A healthy relationship with your daughter needs to be rooted in Christ. Nurture faith through the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mothers Crowning Daughters Collective
A safe community group for women from all walks of life (regardless of marital status or if you have children or not) to experience Motherhood from a Kingdom-redemptive perspective. If you have experienced any trauma or mother wounds, you have a story to share and God wants you to take your place to be a mother to yourself and to those He assigns to nurture and accelerate into their destinies.
Inside the MCD-Collective
- Develop life-long relationships
- Support of other women with a shared bond
- Monthly teachings on trauma recovery and spiritual motherhood via Zoom link
- Safe space to share your your struggles, testimony, and journey
- Prayer, prophetic intercession, and activation
If you are interested in joining our monthly community meetings then join here.

Develop a Healthy bond
Develop healthy boundaries with your daughter. Learn to communicate with patience, reassurance, wisdom, and revelation-knowledge with the support of the Holy Spirit.