Faith, hope, and love, is how God was able to restore my heart and increase my intimacy in Him. God is faithful to His bride and wants her ( His chosen ones) to be whole-completely one with Him. He uses these three principles and the engagement ring of the Holy Spirit to bring total heart transformation in His bride.
What is faith, hope, and love?
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Faith, hope, and love is God’s divine solution and covenant for all heart issues in life. If you have experienced trauma of any kind ( mother wounds, childhood trauma, emotional trauma), God will restore your heart by rooting faith, hope, and love in the garden of your heart.
God restores your faith through love
This season after my best friend passed away, I completely lost faith that God would meet my deepest desires and needs. Little did I know that God would restore my faith by showing His goodness.
He says, in Psalm 34:8, Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! This poetic verse describes how the senses ( spiritual senses) are awakened to God’s perfect faithfulness towards His children ( us).
God is my faithful husband that loved me through the suffering season of losing love ones (both dead and alive). His love never left me when I could not see the foreseeable future ahead of me. I did not have all of the answers. I was frustrated and desperate to get my fairy-tale ending of “prince charming” riding on a white horse to rescue the princess. God became my prince charming by showing me how His faithful love would save me from myself. I was able to finally taste and see God’s faithfulness once I was able to let go of myself ( the old man), this temporary life and all of it’s affairs.

I unashamedly ran into the arms of my savior to receive eternal life in Christ. Salvation is not a one time event. It is a lifelong journey of God saving us relentlessly and faithfully through each season of our lives. Through each life lesson, your stamina and trust increases to endure challenges with God’s help. You then realize that through it all, God’s love is more than enough to cover you.
Faith Lesson:
God wants to partner with you on your healing journey. He will show you that you truly lack nothing. Remember faith is the assurance of the very thing that you are not able to see with your physical eyes. But! TASTE and SEE with your spiritual eyes what He has already given to you. Everything that you think you’ve lost ( death of love ones, jobs, friends, etc.,) God will restore it with His love.
God restores your hope through love
In my earlier post: How To Overcome Emotional Pain, God healed me from hopelessness. I realized that I had to go through the dark waters of emotional pain to find God’s hand reaching out to grab me out of the water. During my grieving season, I realized that death revealed heart issues ( fear of not getting my desires met). I was overwhelmed, looking for a way to escape from being swallowed up by the pain. I felt like I was dying once hope left my life.
Then my prince charming came to the rescue again! He purified the garden of my heart. He removed deadly root systems and old belief patterns about myself. He then planted good seeds and watered my soul with His love. Hope came alive again in my heart. I realized that the seed that God planted inside of me was a seed of hope that His love would never leave me.
Hope Lesson:
Hope is about taking small steps forward into the garden of God’s heart. Yup! God also has a garden in His heart too! It is an eternal secret garden for all of his lovers.
Related post: Motherhood in the Garden
You may not understand where you are going in life or why traumatic things happen to you, but take heart in knowing that you are always loved through your hardships. God will also tell you His plans for your life, if you relinquish your need to hold onto this life.
God restores with His love
I was listening to the song Love Note from the Upperoom album. In this song, God is declaring His love to His bride. He shares His sacrificial love for her by dying on the cross, He adores her with His eyes, desires her ( You are all I want , He says in the song), and prepares a wonderful feast with His bread and wine as a drink. This is a beautiful picture of God’s love to all of His lovers and brides. After trauma, God’s love will always remain the same. His love is the greatest of faith and hope because it is love that glues them together. God’s love marries us to His heart.
In the garden of God’s heart, my healing is a partnership with Him. In this marriage with God, my will, emotions, and thoughts are being aligned with God. I am becoming more like Love, faith, and hope ( all characteristics of God).
Love lesson:
Listen to God’s love note for you…
Related post:The Love of Father God: Receive Love After Trauma