Motherhood in the kingdom of God is a woman that has the mandate from heaven to nurture, cultivate, and build up a child in the ways of the Lord. She has characteristics of a godly mother and has deep intentions to mother a generation of God’s sons and daughters.
There are several signs to look out for to determine if you are in a season of being called to motherhood. Whether you are single or married, this post is for you.
Signs you are called to motherhood in the kingdom of God

Related post: Characteristics of a Godly Mother- 7 Signs
You have a desire to Nurture
There is something special about the heart of a nurturer. Being a nurturer is providing grace and compassion with yourself and the relationships in your life. You have the ability to shower others with great attention so that they will continue to grow into who they were always designed to be.
God as a nurturer demonstrates Himself as a comforter (Isaiah 66:13), As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” He also mentions the Comforter ( the Holy Spirit) , But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
God also feeds His children ( Hosea 11:3-4), provides safety like a mother eagle ( Psalm 91:4) and nurses His children ( Isaiah 49:15).
God’s pattern of nurturing His children is to affirm (promise or declare), teach, nourish, and preserve (protect). This is why when a kingdom mother teaches her child a lesson, she will usually follow up with words of affirmation so that she can preserve ( protect) it in her child’s heart. This is what the Lord does with His children. He tells us that we are loved by Him, teaches and nourishes us with His words as our bread, and seals what He says to our heart with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Like Eve, she was called not only a mother of all living, but she was blessed with the capacity to nurture children the way God always intended.
You have a mothering heart
In God’s kingdom a mothering heart is someone that desires to be pregnant with God’s vision and purpose, to produce multiple babies ( the manifestation of God’s decrees here on this earth), and to raise up a generation of kingdom ambassadors. A woman with a mothering heart is not limited to whether her womb can produce a child. Her spiritual womb is always fruitful. She sees beyond the natural and seeks to adopt children as her own to cultivate, nurture, and accelerate them towards their destinies.
Related post:Prayers for the Fruit of the Womb: Now Prayers
Creative in your own environment
A mother is creative in her environment. She is quick to come up with creative solutions and ideas when it comes to managing her home, cooking, baking or decorating her home. She is a master at making things beautiful. When she walks into a room, her words beautify the environment and she creates new worlds when she speaks into a person’s life. She is a builder, cultivator , and encourages new spaces for others to grow and expand their wings to fly.
You have birthed your purpose and pushed through obstacles
You have birthed God’s vision on this earth. Like Eve, God is calling all women back into the garden of Eden to birth His agenda. Eve was the first woman to give birth on this earth. She had three sons in child-birth and her first son Cain was produced with the help of God. For her disobedience, the Lord multiplied pain in child birth. But I believe this was a prophetic symbol of the pressure that often occurs when a seed springs up from the ground. It becomes a beautiful tree once it is watered and nurtured by natural elements.
You have also pushed through painful obstacles such as childhood trauma and mother wounds . When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come ( she feels the pressure in her season that she will need to push forward into her kingdom assignment as a mother), but when she has delivered the baby ( the gift or the blessing from the throne of God), she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born ( she sees how her gift will change and impact others) into the world ( John 16:21, ESV).
God calls you a mother in motherhood
When Adam awoke, he saw a woman before him and He named her woman because she was taken from his flesh and was formed into His likeness.
This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called woman, because she was taken from man.
Genesis 3: 23
Shortly after Adam and Eve lost access to the garden of Eden, Adam decided to name his wife Eve because she would be the mother for all of those who live– Genesis 3:20. God giving Adam the choice to give His wife her name was a foreshadow of God as a second Adam calling His Eves ( His Bride) mother for all those who live.
As soon as Adam gave her the name of Eve she walked in her assignment to bear children and impacted a future generation. Her seed produced many descendants that linked to the last Adam- Jesus Christ. Her assignment was to “mother” a generation that would usher in future kings with the image or the foreshadowing of the true and anointed King- Jesus.
You know you are called to motherhood when God calls you mother. I first struggled to identify myself as a mother because I did not have physical children. But the Lord said to me in prophetic dreams, visions, and people that I am a mother. Once, I was able to call myself a mother, the grace to mother became a supernatural reality.
Now it is your turn to accept the call to motherhood in God’s kingdom.

Join the Mothers Crowning Daughters Collective to support and mother a generation of daughters that are waiting to be nurtured by your testimony of overcoming trauma and mother wounds.