Rest is vital for the health of your soul. When you are feeling overwhelmed, it is important to say anxiety prayers. Psalm 23:2 reads, “ in pastures of grass, he makes me to lie down; He leads me beside still waters.” Overcome anxiety by saying some of these short prayers and welcome the Lord into your weary heart. He will give you rest for your soul.
Anxiety Prayers
1. Prayer about work: Anxiety Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am stressed out about work and all of the things that I will need to get done. I am feeling the pressure to perform at work and I feel that I am sometimes 3 steps behind deadlines. God, give me the strength to completely rest in you. I do not have to strive to be liked by you or to be perfect at what I do to be known and seen by you. You accept me as your daughter.
I receive your rest in my soul. Your word says that you will give me rest if I come to you when I am feeling weary and burdened. I take your yoke because it is light and easy. I trust you to take care of all of my work affairs.
2. Prayer about your children: Anxiety Prayers

Father God,
I am concerned about the welfare of my children and their future. I sometimes worry that someone will hurt them and that I won’t be there to protect them. But you told me that I should be anxious for nothing but to bring everything to you in prayer and petition. So I petition God to watch over my children.
Help me to nurture and raise my children in the Faith and Gospel of Jesus Christ. Help me to walk in love and not in fear so that my children will see the love of God flowing through me.
3. Sleeping through the night: Anxiety Prayers
Father God,
It is so difficult for me to sleep at night because I often think about all of the things that are still left undone. Lord, help me to let go of the stress of not getting things done so that I can fully rest.
You grant sleep to those who you love. I will receive a sweet sleep tonight and I will not rise too early. Thank you God, for your grace is sufficient and I will trust you to keep me in my sleep.

4. Anxiety about having children: Anxiety Prayers
Dear Papa,
I fear about having children because of the affairs of the world today. I do not want my children to be influenced by the world’s standards. I give my concerns to you and I trust that having children is a gift from heaven. Give me the grace to receive your gift in my life today.
In Jesus name, Amen
5. Prayer for anxiety about managing your home
Dear God,
I am concerned about how to manage my home. It is very difficult for me to manage my children and keeping my affairs in order throughout the day. I often feel overwhelmed about the cleanliness of my home.
I pray that you will give me insight on how to manage my home in a way that brings joy and deep fulfillment in my heart. Holy Spirit show me how to be organized in how to prioritize my affairs and my overall day. I thank you for always helping me along the way.
In Jesus name, Amen
6. Prayer for anxiety about not being enough
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am concerned that I will not have enough in my life to give to my children. I sometimes look at my inadequacies as my identity. I struggle with life demands and not being able to show myself approved when I am in front of others. I compare my accomplishments with others and I feel defeated and so lowly. Lord, help me to see that my value comes from you and not in things or people. You approve of me and you call me daughter. I accept that today. In Jesus name, Amen.
7. Prayer for anxiety about not having peace
Dear Lord,
I need rest in my soul. I worry about not having peace in my life. I struggle with finding the right balance of resting and being a mom. I often have a lot of stress as a mom and I need relief from the constant demands of parenting. I pray for peace during the storms of life and to trust that you are steering the ship even when things are raging around me. I trust you more and more each day Lord. I accept your will for my life Jesus and I rest in green pastures, knowing that I am completely safe in your arms.
In Jesus name, Amen
8. Prayer for anxiety about mom guilt
Dear God,
I sometimes fear not being everything to my children. I fear disappointing my children every time I do things for myself. I experience tremendous mommy anxiety and guilt. Lord, your word says, that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
I yield my heart to you God and release my burdens of not being there for my children. You have called me to mother my children with a blameless heart. I lean onto your understanding about who I am. I am loved by you and I accept freedom from the grips of shame and guilt today.
9. Prayer for anxiety about shame
Dear God,
I have mom shame about the choices that I make as a mom. I sometimes look at other moms on social media and some of my friends and I often wonder if I am a good mother. I sometimes will get shamed and called names for what I do with my child. God you are not an accuser of the brethren. You treat me with so much love and care.
Remove the cares of the world from my heart. I choose to remain in your presence where I will find peace for my soul. I receive your goodness in my life. You say I am good and I accept your truth.
In Jesus name, Amen
10. Prayer for anxiety about postpartum depression

Dear Papa,
I am struggling to let go of the fear of post-partum depression. I hear stories of women who have experienced depression and it frightens me to think that might happen to me. I am putting my hope in you God. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of hope, love, and a sound mind. I accept that I have a sound mind and that I am not subjected to swarming fear-mongering thoughts floating in my mind. I rest my soul in your hands. In Jesus name,