Morning Prayers can make a difference in your devotion time with God. Having a morning prayer routine can help you to consecrate yourself to God. Consecrating yourself to God is about setting yourself for God’s holy purpose. Everything about you (body and soul) was meant to be set apart for God. When you start your day with a morning prayer, you set yourself apart for God to speak to you and to rid you from the demands and pressures of the day.
Morning Prayers- Consecrate Yourself To God
Meditation Scripture
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Get in a quiet place and invite God’s presence. Pray a prayer like this:
Heavenly Father, I give you my life as a pleasing sacrifice. I don’t want the world’s definition of success and transformation. I want your definition of living in abundance by the renewal of my mind with your truth of who you say that I am. I thank you God, for giving me the Holy Spirit to help me in that transformation process. In Jesus name, Amen.

Morning Prayers- God’s Presence
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for life and that I am a seeker of your heart. I pray that I will have a full understanding of your love. I pray that for supernatural encounters with you in the secret place, fresh manna from heaven’s throne, and your redeeming grace to touch me now. I pray that I will begin to flow in the Spirit, and be led by your leading in everything that I do for the Kingdom of God. I pray that I will become more aware of the Kingdom of God already expanding inside of me. I pray to experience deeper revelations, deeper manifestations, and deeper seeking of you. May your love touch me in a deeper way this morning. I pray for peace and for my family and the people that I will meet today. Let your oil of gladness fill up my belly.
I pray that I will taste and see your goodness in the little moments throughout my day. For you are indeed good!
I pray this all in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Morning Prayers-Intimacy with God
Meditation Scripture:
Just like Jesus said to His disciples “Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while”- Mark 6:31 In each passage, Jesus understood the meaning of going to a quiet place of solitude to be with the Father. In that place of solitude without any distractions, you are able to fill yourself up to your desired content.
Related post:How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 1)
Heavenly Father,
I pray for a fresh encounter with you. I want to experience the sweetness of who you are. I want to meet you face to face in the secret place. I want to begin to hunger for you and thirst to be filled with your Spirit. I want to know you as friend, lover of my soul, brother, husband, and Father. I want to become one with the Father, one with the Holy Spirit, and one with Jesus Christ. Hide me from the world’s temptations and noise. I want to hear you and only you lord. I want you and all of your glory consuming me. I long for you and I cry out “ come away with me Lord.”
Read the Encounter devotional series if you want to go deeper in your devotional time with God.