Have you ever felt overwhelmed with mothering your child after trauma? God calls mothers to parent with His Grace so that they will be able to live life free from the pressures of the world. It is important to realize how motherhood rooted in God’s grace will set you free to live a life of abundance in Him and with your children.

Mom Grace

Mom grace is receiving the sufficient presence of God in your life so that you can fully nurture your child into the image of Jesus Christ. God’s grace is all that you will need to strengthen you when you are weak in motherhood or dealing with the difficult issues that might arise with your child.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.Proverbs 22:6

Why is Grace in motherhood important after trauma?

After trauma and experiencing mother wounds, it is important to embrace the grace of God in your life. Grace in motherhood is vital to your growth, healing, and living a life of wholeness in the Lord.

Scripture Verse

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

As you are rooted in God’s heart and the very essence of who He is ( LOVE), your life will reveal the likeness of God’s character. In return, your child will see God’s heart reflected in you.

As a mother, partner with the Holy Spirit and allow His presence to overshadow you. There is destiny attached to the life of your child.

What is grace in motherhood after trauma?

Related Post: How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 3)

Grace gives you the opportunity to experience rest

Rest allows you to breathe
Rest is refreshing to your soul
Rest helps you to connect with God and your child
If you are worrying and carrying heavy burdens in your heart, then release them now.

Tip: Take intentional pauses throughout the day to take in the amazing growth of your child! They grow up so fast.

Trusting in God’s faithfulness to help you as you mother your child, gives you the supernatural strength to rest in Him.
Whatever you are doing, take the time to sit back to see the work of God in your child’s life. It is so much easier that way.

Find Peace in knowing that you are an imperfect mother with a perfect Heavenly Father from above

Simple Steps By Jen

More Grace equals less self-perfection

God is not looking at perfection in your skills as a mother. As a heavenly Father, He knows about you past trauma wounds and unhealthy mothering habits that you have picked up in your upbringing. If you were not cared for or loved by your own parents, He is more than willing to show you how he can be the Father that can parent your soul well.

Invite Him into those places of your heart so that He can impact your children and their legacy for future generations to come.

Grace requires you to live a life of worship

I simply love worshiping God. I have learned that worship is a posture of the heart. It has less to do about the type of music that you are listening to as you worship Him and more to do about the revelation that you have about God. 

Have you ever been to a church service, and then suddenly you begin crying as you pour out your heart to God? I will tell you this happens due to the revelation that you have about God and the magnitude of who He is to you.

If you are struggling with your finances and then suddenly you are reminded of all of the times that He provided for you… my dear friend are experiencing revelation! The revelation of God’s nature and character fuels your desire to continue to worship Him. For you, you may worship Him because He is a loving Father, for someone else it may be because He is loyal and dependable. 

Worship is in three phases: Revelation of God’s nature and character, receiving that revelation in your heart, then worshiping Him from that revelation.

Worship is also about your ability to be vulnerable with God. Vulnerability is a very difficult thing to express as a man or woman in the faith. Vulnerability is being naked before others about things that you would normally keep hidden because of fear. It may be because you don’t want others to think that you are unqualified, strong enough, loyal enough. The list can go on and on.  The Holy Spirit helps us to be vulnerable before God because He understands the true desire of our hearts is to be loved by God. 

Related Post: How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 1)

Grace in motherhood: Encounter

Related Post: How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 1)

Encounter God

Encountering God as a parent is about  building oneness with God; His thoughts and  will for your life.  Maybe there are wrong thinking patterns that He wants to deliver you from or trauma that He wants to heal. 

The Holy Spirit will help you be a better mother. He will show you when to give more grace or when mercy is needed in a situation with your child.

The Holy Spirit will give you wisdom on the best course of action to take.

Encounter Yourself

Seeing yourself in the likeness of God will help you to live in the flow of God.

Sometimes as mothers, we can get stuck with the constant demands of parenting and forget about our own emotional needs. These constant demands may make you feel stuck at times and out of balance. Taking that time to breathe and ask God the areas in your life that are lacking  a flow, is a great starting point of moving in the right direction.

Encounter Your Children

There are moments in motherhood when you will be able to see God in your children. Your child may show you how to slow down by dancing in the rain or saying a funny joke while driving in heavy traffic. Look for how the fruit of the Holy Spirit manifests in your child’s life. God maybe trying to speak through your child to get to your heart.

Things to Remember about Grace in Motherhood after Trauma

God’s grace works in the following ways in your life:

  • God works through you to connect with the heart of your child. 
  • He gives you the opportunity to rest in Him as you are led by His power working in your life to parent your child. 
  • He gives abundant grace and power through your humbleness for more of the Father in your weakness.
  •  By God’s perfect grace you are able to truly nurture your child so that  they are  able to easily receive from you.
  • And last but not least, God’s perfect grace will remind you of those little moments of motherhood that matter the most.

Simple Steps by Jen

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