Do you want to know how to experience God on a deeper level? This devotional series will be your go-to guide on how to encounter God’s presence. If you are finding it difficult to feel God’s presence or hear his voice, then this devotional is for you.
Check out How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 1) if you would like to learn more about intimacy with God.
In this devotional, you will learn how to deepen your relationship with God by encountering God’s truth, trusting His presence to manifest in your life by abiding in Him, and knowing your identity is firmly in the Lord.
Phases-Encounter God’s presence:
- Oneness/intimacy- Knowing Him intimately ( Part 1)
- True Worship- Awareness ( Part 1)
- The 3 essentials: God’s Truth, Identity, Abide in Him ( Part 2)
- Rest and Purity
- Die already! ( Dying to self). The great transition
- Authority
- Enter the promise land ( you are the promise land)
- Encounter – hunger for God and being thirsty to be filled with His spirit
- Do you trust me? A whole new world
- Flower garden
- Feet of Jesus
- Narrow gate
- Ever green mountains and flying in the sky
Encounter God’s Presence: God’s Truth
Scripture Verse:
But Lord, your nurturing love is tender and gentle. You are slow to get angry yet so swift to show your faithful love. You are full of abounding grace and truth.
Psalm 86:15 ( PT)
In order for you to encounter God, you will need to receive the revelation-knowledge that He is TRUTH. He can not lie.
As the scripture in Psalm 86:15 says, His love is nurturing, tender, and gentle. If you have done something that is leading you to feel shame and guilt, release yourself from it’s shackles and accept the truth that God is slow to anger but is quick to love you.
God is like a faithful husband and the lover your soul. What does that mean? It means that He is able to love the parts of your soul that is in need of a little T-L-C. His love is so great that the deeper that you go into the depths of God’s heart, the more of Him that you will encounter. God’s love for you runs deeper than any ocean.
Scripture Verse:
In psalm 42:7 (PT), My deep need calls out to the deep kindness of your love. Your waterfall of weeping sent waves of sorrow over my soul, carrying me away, cascading over me like a thundering cataract.
There were days that I could sense a deep need for God. Have you ever felt like shouting, screaming, and crying at the same time?
There are days when I want to scream at the top of my lungs and cry! I am confident that it is my soul’s deep need for the rushing love of God to fulfill and sustain me.
God meets me there in my weakest moments. When I am frustrated and in turmoil about the stress of the day, I “shout-cry” God’s name. I need to get His attention and I feel desperate just for His touch and His love to wash over me.
Activation Exercise
Imagine Father God flowing through you. Take a deep breath in and accept how He is always willing to love you and embrace the deep parts of your soul. Imagine how He flows through the places in your heart that are damaged and how He makes repairs as he visits the doors of your heart. Let go, and let Him in.
Sample Prayer:
Father God come into the darkest corners of my heart and turn on the light. Let your light shine so bright and fill me with everlasting joy. I will sit here and say “Abba, Father” you are my dearest love. Take me and be mine forever.”
Encounter God’s Presence: Abide in Him
I don’t think that I will ever forget the day when I felt the tangible wind of the Holy Spirit. I had just woken up from a nightmare.
I was frustrated of being tormented by fearful dreams. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked in the mirror feeling stressed out about the woman staring back at me. I was not sure of who I was and why God created me.
But then I got a revelation about living in God’s heart.
I said to God in that moment, ” You are in me and I am in you. Abide in me as I abide in you.” Then I immediately felt the wind of the Holy Spirit in my right ear. The bathroom was filled in His awesome glory and light.
For such a long time, I believed in the lies that I was evil and cursed. I dealt with childhood trauma in adulthood and I did not have the tools to heal broken parts of my soul. But my healing journey first began with God showing me that I live in Him and that He lives in me. He would do the rest and finish His good work in me.
Activation Exercise
You can access God’s love by simply receiving from his bank of love. His love manifests in several ways. Think of the fruit of the spirit, and all of the great attributes that it carries; gentleness, kindness love, peace. As we drink from this love bank, we can have access to God where ever we may go in life.
Sample Prayer:
Abba, I surrender my whole heart to you, I want to draw from your love bank, I am ready to receive a dose of your love.” Imagine yourself going to that bank in heaven, and just receive the cup that he gives you to drink.
God will satisfy your thirst!
Encounter God’s Presence: Your Identity
Scripture Verse:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
John 3:16
God loves you because He wanted you to be a big part of His family. In the beginning, He said let’s make them in our own image. He wants you to come into the full knowledge of who you really are. Here’s the truth; You are a child of God. Repeat this to yourself. “ I am a child of God.”
You are God’s own beloved child and nothing can separate you from the love of God. He set it up that way so that where ever you go, His love will continue to chase after you. His love finds you even when you are hidden. He wants to adopt you. Receive his spirit of adoption today.
Continue the Encounter God Devotionals:
How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 3)