I was sitting on the couch, completely enthralled with the presence of God. The more that I said I love you God, the more that I could sense the all encompassing love of Father God for me. He reminded me that He was very present and near me with just the wind of His Spirit. He whispered lovingly- ” I’m right here.”
The Love of Father God-Scriptures on God’s love
Father God- God’s love is eternal
Have you ever seen someone remove petals off a flower stem, engaging in a monologue of whether their beloved lover loves them. It usually goes something like this:
” he loves me”
[ one flower petal is removed] followed by more monologue,
“ he loves me not” and ” he loves me [followed by more petal removals].
This continues until all of the flower petals are removed. Hopefully, the last petal removal is met with the phrase ” he loves me!”

Unfortunately, this is how we treat Father God after childhood trauma. We often wonder if He truly loves us when He promises repeatedly that He will never stop loving us.
“’The mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but my faithful love won’t shift from you, and my covenant of peace won’t be shaken,’ says the Lord, the one who pities you.”
Isaiah 54:10
Receive God’s love- Tip # 1:
God is faithful in his pursuit to love your soul. Embrace God by worshiping Him. In His arms, you will experience validation, security, and deep assurance that you are His child. God is waiting in anticipation for you to acknowledge Him.
Father God- God’s love is merciful
Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
2 John 1:3
What is mercy? Mercy is compassion and nurture in action. God is full of compassion towards his children and he is in the business of nurturing your heart and soul. He wants us to be perfect in love (nothing is broken when we are bearing fruit in Him).
He is the tree and we are the branches. We need to remain close to the vine so that He can properly care for us. I am a true sprouting vine, and the farmer who tends the vine is my Father. He cares for the branches connected to me by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest. ( John 15 1-2 PT).
Father God is the loving farmer that will uproot branches that are not bearing good fruit in your life so that you can continue to grow.
Receive God’s Love- Tip #2
God’s love is His mercy manifested through nurture and the power of the Holy Spirit. One practical way to remain close to the Father’s heart is to just be honest about your weaknesses in life. Is it worry, anxiety, or fear that is keeping you down? Talk to God about these heart issues. He will uproot it so that he can allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you and to nurture you with loving care.

Father God’s love is perfect
God’s love is perfect in that He wants you to be fully complete in Him. Our perfection does not come from how perfectly we live our lives through religious duties but it is through perfect surrender to the Perfect One. He gives us the road map of how to live our lives so that we can be truly put together according to His perfect image.
Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:48
Receive God’s love- Tip #3
Oh perfection! I remember early in my healing journey from trauma how God showed me that I was seeing myself in the eyes of my family. I believed in certain traits and characteristics from my mother as my own identity. He lovingly removed layer by layer like an onion those false identities that were etched in my memory from my childhood. This is how generational curses were broken from my life.
Related post:Heal Mother Wounds
As I dedicated to doing the work of healing through resources, mentorship, and prayer, I was able to see myself with new lenses. I could finally see God in myself and my calling to motherhood.
Be intentional about seeking the Father’ heart when it comes to your healing journey. Ask the Holy Spirit if you should seek therapy, discipleship from someone in the church, or mentorship. I provide coaching to help moms that have experienced childhood trauma and identity issues.

Free 15 MIN Strategy Call!
Get the strategies that you need to start this healing from childhood trauma and enter God’s love. You are worth it!
Father God corrects with love
God corrects His children with love
Proverbs 3:12
For whom the Lord loves He reproves,
Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.
I remember early in my healing journey how Father God would lovingly correct me if I was worrying or if I had a mindset that was contrary to the word of God. He would tell me to go to His word in dreams. There were many times that I could see in these dreams my purple bible open on a table or falling from a ceiling onto my head ( God has a sense of humor). He spoke to me in ways that I could understand, and guided me as a perfect Father towards Truth.
Receive God’s love- Tip #4
Be open to receiving loving correction from God. It may come through friends, family, or a church member. Sometimes the correction can hurt at times because you will need to face trauma wounds. But if you stick with the process of healing with God, He will show you a love that will never run dry.
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