There is something about God’s presence that is so sweet. His beauty is abundant. It is radiating, healing, powerful, and graceful. I can truly say that He is the lover of my soul. As a mom, life can get chaotic at times so you might be wondering how you can maintain God’s presence in your life. I have a few ideas that I think can help you now!
Related post: How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 1)
Living in the Presence of God:Recognize God’s Presence
The other day, I was listening to this song by Kari Jobe – Speak to me. In one of her verses she says, I’m in awe that you would come to me. In awe that I can hear you speak. These lyrics resonated with me so much. I know that God is already with me and lives in me. But there is something that makes me feel so in love with the romantic, awe- inspiring devotion of God. Did the word “romantic” make you feel uncomfortable. You might be thinking, ” Jen, God is not romantic. How dare you!” Okay, okay!! I understand your reservations but look at this verse:
The Shulamite.
Let him smother me with kisses- his Spirit kiss divine. So kind are your caresses. I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing over and over poured out. For your lovely name is Flowing Oil. No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.
Song of Songs 1:1-4- Passion Translation
Upon first glance, you might think that this is about a romantic relationship of a woman with a man but I encourage you to dig deeper. There is a mystery in this book of Songs of Songs. The mystery is God’s divine romance with His Bride– The Church.

Signs of God’s presence: His love manifested in your life
The love of Jesus Scripture Verse
So let’s break down the scripture verse of Song of Songs 1:1-4 to recognize the signs of God’s presence.
Let him smother me with kisses- his Spirit kiss divine. So kind are your caresses. I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing over and over poured out. For your lovely name is Flowing Oil. No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.
Song of Songs 1:2
The Shulamite ( The biblical meaning is perfect and the name Solomon means complete). In God’s presence we are made whole, perfect, and complete. We become one with His kisses (word of God), caresses ( endless love for us breathing upon His Bride as God breathed into Adam’s nostrils making Him into a human being) and drinking Him like wine ( being drunk with His love).
God’s presence releases a fragrance, especially when you call on His name. Drawing near to God’s heart is about surrendering to His will. You enter God’s heart by abiding ( living) in Him as He abides in you. The king ( Jesus Christ- the anointed king) has a chamber of love- the Holy of Holies inside of the temple chamber ( Passion Translation).
Related post: Parenting with love and the affect on your children
Signs of God’s presence ( His love in your life)
- You want to nurture God’s word ( Reading the word of God- are sweet kisses on your lips). You need His word for survival and to give you the strength to live
- You can’t help but say I love you to God or to show others how much God loves you
- You love to worship! Saying the name of Jesus ( exalting Him in worship) releases God’s sweet smell. God has a smell and it is called love. As you spend time in deep worship and from your secret place, you will come out smelling like God’s love.
- You draw near to God by yielding or surrendering your life to Him ( letting go of religious thinking, performance mentality, mom guilt, shame, etc.)
- You are intentional about spending time with God and creating a secret place to be with Him (prayer closet).
God has many facets of His expression of love. Sometimes it is calm and gentle or fierce and passionate. His love is comforting and nurturing like the Holy Spirit ( motherly qualities), affectionate and adoring like a husband in Jesus Christ to His Bride, or protective and sacrificial as a Father towards His children that are dear to Him.
I personally have experienced the deep and encompassing love of God in all of these capacities. If you want to experience God’s presence in your life as a mother, then I encourage you to fall deeply and madly in love with Jesus. You can experience His ocean of love. Be willing to allow Him into the places of your soul and experience a fresh touch from God’s presence.
Power in the Presence of God- His Aroma is Powerful
Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing over and over poured out. For your lovely name is Flowing Oil. No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.
Song of Songs 1:3
But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. or we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?
2 Corinthians 2:14-16
These two verses have something in common- the fragrance of God is lingering and is representative of God’s presence in a believers life. Be empowered by the Holy Spirit working in you to usher in His presence into your home. As you yield your children through prayer, worship, and devotion to God, then God’s powerful presence will be released into your home.
Benefits of God’s presence
- Your children will have the knowledge of God’s presence because you carry His presence with you wherever you go
- As you yield yourself to the Lord’s presence you will experience God’s anointing to mother with grace flowing through other parts of your life
- You will be able to overcome and be triumphant during difficult times
Related posts: Encounter God series
How to Encounter God’s Presence Now: Devotional (Part 1)