Growing up, I learned that worship can have different meanings for many people. But at it’s core, worshiping God has to happen in Spirit and in Truth. I learned a few things on how to foster an intimate relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Read along, (in a devotional format) to learn how to worship God from the heart.
Worship is Personal
I remember when I was about 12 years old, I locked myself in my mom’s room to pray. I was so hungry to be in God’s presence. I knelt down on the bedroom floor and whispered underneath my breath, “God if you are real, then I want you to touch my hand.” I even pointed right in the middle of my hand with my eyes turned up toward the ceiling.
I waited in anticipation, and held my breath for what seemed like a century in time. Then for a split second, I felt something touch the center of my hand. I was amazed and I believe that God touched my hand that day. I jumped up with excitement, realizing that I had encountered God.
Now, as I have grown in my faith, I can feel His hand holding my hand as I say ” I love you God and I can’t wait to spend time with you today.” I often feel His smile against my cheek when I tell Him that He is funny, lovely, sweet, my peace (Yahweh-Shalom which means the Lord is Peace), my savior ( Moshia- the Savior) and adoring. When I am feeling lonely, I tell Him that I know He is holding my hand because He is a great friend that stays by my side. He is Emmanuel (God with us).
Related post: How To Spend Time With God- Grow In Intimacy
Speaking God’s own words back to Him are like kisses on my lips and an invitation to adore Him more each day. Furthermore, the woman in Song of Solomon said it best:
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine
Activation exercise: spend time with God in a quiet place without any distractions. Tell Him that you will give Him your undivided attention. Speak the name of Jesus.
Here are some names of God to start with:
Elohim (Mighty one) , Alpha and Omega ( Beginning and the End), Adonai (Lord, Master), El Shaddai (The All-Sufficient One)Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord Who Heals)
Prayer journal prompt: Write down the names of God and what they mean to you.

Adoration is similar to the moment when Mary kissed the feet of Jesus. I imagine that she knelt down before him with brokenness and tears choking up her words. She brought the most valuable possession in her hand- her alabaster box of expensive perfume. But what happened next defined worship as vulnerability and raw emotions before her King. She cried for a long time, covering the feet of Jesus with her tears. As His feet became wet with her tears, she immediately dried them with her hair and covered them with gentle-adoring kisses.
The scripture says: “then she opened her flask and anointed his feet with her costly perfume as an act of worship.”
Luke 7:38
There is a cost to adoring the Lord. In God’s eyes, a “costly perfume” is you pouring out your heart to Him in full surrender (kissing the heart of God).
Activation exercise: This morning kneel before God, cry out to Him, and pour a costly perfume over His feet as an act of worship.
Prayer journal prompt: What does it mean to kiss the feet of Jesus? Is it your time, life, or resources?