A few years ago after my best friend passed away, I lost faith and hope that God could save me from despair. I quickly fell into a deep and dark spiral of depression. But, the Holy Spirit showed me how to trust God to overcome times of difficulty.
Trust God when it doesn’t make sense
In Psalm 34:8, King David says, Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! This poetic verse describes how the senses ( spiritual senses) are awakened to God’s perfect goodness.
During that season, God became my faithful husband. His love never left me when I could not see the foreseeable future ahead of me. I did not have all of the answers. I was frustrated and desperate to get my fairy-tale ending of “prince charming” riding on a white horse to rescue the princess. God surprised me by becoming my prince charming, lover, and friend. When I was drowning in sadness, He reached into the depths of my soul and pulled me out. I realized that I could trust God to love me through all circumstances.

Trusting in God produces perseverance
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4
Trust God through testing and trials
When I was a teenager, I had a brilliant idea of joining the cross-country team at my school (or at least that’s what I thought when I initially signed up). My coach at the time did not care if it was raining or over 90 degrees outside. We had to run at least 4 laps around the school building. I remember when he said in a stern voice, “ I want you to practice in all weather conditions so that you learn the lessons of stamina, adaptability, and endurance.” God is the same way in that He uses trials (spiritual training grounds) to increase and test our faith. Do you believe that God is a good Father, a wonderful counselor, provider, and friend? All of these beliefs will be tested. God wants to perfect us through trials so that we lack nothing in our spiritual development! Welcome times of testing as a sign that you are growing and maturing in the things of God!

Be empowered by God
On my drive to work, I was stressing out about a long to-do list that I needed to accomplish at work. I felt out of control, frustrated, and defeated. I thought about all of the ways that I could be more in control of my work situation. As a trauma response, I taught myself to be in control of everything at all times so that I would NEVER get hurt.
If you think about it, our human response to fearful events ( aka stress) is to attempt to control situations and people. We may have fears of rejection,disapproval, and not being seen for who we really are.
Here is the solution: Jesus overcame all of our fears on the cross. There is NO need to be in control of everything at all times because God will not control you! God wants to EMPOWER you with bold faith to accomplish life’s challenges. He will empower you with the help of the Holy Spirit and you will have the kingship confidence to go before the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16).
Trust God with childlike faith
When I was little, I believed in anything that my parents told me. You could have told me that the sky was red and I would have believed you! As an adult, my faith in God was tested by things happening in God’s timing and perfect will. One day God shared with me that faith is a life-long journey of running into His arms, partnering with His vision, and receiving His sufficient grace to endure life’s challenges. He also showed me that having faith in Him is believing that His love is more than enough to cover me.
God wants to partner with you on your faith journey. He will show you that you truly lack nothing when you rely on Him. Remember faith is the assurance of the very thing that you are not able to see with your physical eyes. But! TASTE and SEE with your spiritual eyes what He has already given to you. Everything that you think you’ve lost ( death of love ones, jobs, friends, etc.,) God will restore it with His love.
Are you willing to be covered by His love and to rest in the belief that He is enough for you?
Meditation Bible verse:
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