As I sit here in the darkness with just the light pouring in from my tv screen, I can’t help but think about Mother’s Day and the triggering feelings of emotional abandonment. If you have faced trauma as a daughter from your abusive mother then this open letter is for you.
Emotional Abandonment: Open letter
Hey Precious Daughter,
I want to first acknowledge you. You are beautifully and wonderfully created by God’s hands. Love shines in your heart because of God’s very presence within you. Your hands are gracefully equipped to build new foundations, root up unhealthy roots, and to tear down destructive strongholds.
You are naturally gifted to create. By your very words you create new worlds around you. You build infrastructures when you speak because there is power behind what you say. Don’t ever allow others to lie to you about who God created you to be. You are a mother to yourself , to your physical child, and to the God-given plans that you birthed here on earth.
Be easy on yourself daughter!
Allow yourself to experience and FEEL who you really are without your mother. Get to know the real you, including the child-like you. Have conversations with yourself and ask questions about who the inner child is within you. Begin to write down all of the things that your mother dismissed. Then ask God to fulfill those emotional needs and wants.

Give yourself the permission to want something! You have the right to go after your deepest desires. Learn the art of self-love. Self-love is all about wanting the very best for yourself.
Create boundaries when it is necessary and identify the people in your life that are safe, honorable, and CONSISTENT with how they treat you. If they are not consistent in how they treat you, then cut them off or create stronger boundaries. You are worth it!
You are stronger than you think you are. You do not need your mother’s approval, admiration, validation, security, or appreciation. Your worth comes from God because He is worthy of it all. What you seek is only found in Him. He will redeem, validate and appreciate you.
Do not give up on your God dreams. God placed them inside of you. God just wants you to be obedient in following Him and He will finish the work that He started inside of you.
She will place on your head a garland of grace; She will present you with a crown of beauty.”
Proverbs 4:9
Lastly daughter, I place on your head a garland of grace and crown you with beauty. You are truly beautiful. Your future is bright and I declare over your womb fruitfulness. You will birth God’s visions on this earth and nothing will stop you.
On Mother’s Day, remember that you are loved and held in the presence of God.
Love, Jen

Check out Mothers Crowning Daughters to learn how to nurture your daughter so that she receives emotional nourishment.
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